The island city

  • KRK
  • SILO


The valley of Soline, a true oasis of peace and health, is the ornament of the picturesque village Cizici in part dives into the sea and partly immersed in the lush greenery. Climbing the narrow streets lined with the characteristic architecture island continue along the stone walls that enclose gardens and orchards with crops and plants of the Mediterranean mainly of olive trees. Overcoming a slight climb earns top from where you can admire the gulf and the island’s interior. The immediate vicinity of the mud baths, the rugged coastline and unspoilt countryside have made it the place to be acknowledged as a place of rest and recreation.

A relaxing attraction is offered by the lush blanket of weeping willows (a curiosity for a seaside) on “Perilo” (public wash), the symbol of a tradition of Cizici and the promenade along the avenue of pines is a sign for the protection of the country and a large part of the valley of Soline.

Small but comfortable dining venues offer guests and visitors and food specialties of the local cuisine.

A few kilometers from Cizici, near Rudine, is the characteristic cave Biserujka particularly interesting from a tourist point of view.

In the immediate vicinity there is the location of Soline, known for its salt already in pre-Roman times. Recently it has been well established offering private accommodation. Properties are known for its mud for the treatment of bone diseases. A valley sheltered and shallow waters and warm make bathing and various water sports from June until late autumn.



The island’s main town, is expanding rapidly, is the modern city of KRK (located about 20km southwest after the bridge) is grown on a series of hills, the heart of the city retains a small town surrounded by walls and crossed by narrow cobble streets. Inside the charming streets of the old city, wherever he turns his eyes you can see the facades and sometimes beautiful. A word of advice: do not put your flip-flops if the weather is bad: the streets, paved with stone, are slippery.

The focus of Krk is Trg bana Jelacica, a large open space just outside the western wall, overlooking a small harbor. An opening on the west side of the square leads to Vela placa (square sail), protected by a medieval tower, the Straza, which boasts a clock that marks the sixteenth century 24 hours: noon is at the top and midnight at the bottom. From here, down to the right, you reach the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, a three-aisled basilica, with its characteristic tower with onion spire, was built in Romanesque style in 1188. Given the history, meet the most varied architectural traditions: the columns with capitals decorated with floral motifs and animals, a Gothic chapel in the left aisle and statues lingee the end of the seventeenth century.

Next to a side of the cathedral, another Romanesque structure, the Church of San Quirino, whose bell tower plays an onion dome topped by an angel. This chapel houses a treasure, a true collection of religious art.

Behind the cathedral, a stretch of wall survived incorporates the Bishop’s Palace and a tower adjacent embellished by the Lion of St. Mark, the symbol of Venetian sovereignty, even if these bastions near the port were built by Frankopan.



It is walking distance from Krk and is one of nautical centers in the country (can accommodate up to 800 boats) is also based dell’olivicultura island.

In the face of Punat lies the islet of Kosljun, nature reserve with over 400 species and is home to a Franciscan monastery where there is the most important collection of manuscripts in Glagolitic Croatia. From the port of Punat leave the boats at all hours, the navigation takes about 20 minutes.



Outside Punat, a secondary road heads south to reach after 10 km in Stara Baska, a tiny village nestled between the sea and the hills covered with sage. Among the various pebble beaches, we recommend that in the Bay of Oprna, 2 km north of the village, very visible from the road coming from Punat.



The arrival in Baska inspires a sense of wonder. Going down the fertile valley below you will see an expanse of water surrounded by mountains on your left is the island uninhabited and deserted Prvic and in front, the chain of Velebit. The evening light on this mountain is unforgettable. Within this town is a fishing village not very different from those of Cornwall or Brittany: a maze of winding streets and picturesque houses on a steep slope overlooking the sea. The main attraction of Baska is definitely its 2km long beach, a mixture of sand and gravel fie that from a distance looks like a long crescent of brown sugar. Summer is one of the most crowded beaches of the island but it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful beaches of the Adriatic, with a spectacular island bare and deserted Prvic. In high season, the taxi-boat shall bring tourists in these extraordinary pebble coves of Prvic or small bays to the east of Baska.

At about 20 minutes to walk from Baska inland lies the village of Jurandvor, in whose church of Saint Lucia has been made one of the most important archaeological discoveries of Croatia: the inscription known as table Baska (Bascanska ploca). This table contains the first mention of a Croatian king made in the Croatian language, and is the oldest text written in Glagolitic come down to our times. The table shown here is just a copy of the original is instead is kept at the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb.



Today it is a peaceful village perched on a cliff 50 meters high above sea level. It ‘a medieval village known for its white wine (Vrbnicka zlaktina) that can be tasted in one of the many wineries in the country. Has the disadvantage of not having access many sea wing which in summer means that the small local beach is very crowded.



Built from the foundations of the principles Frankopan castles. Dobrinj has always been the center of the historical territory of the Municipality which has a total of 21 inhabitants. Located in the northwestern part of the island of Krk, this looks like one of the most preserved oases, rich in historical and environmental interest.

The Gothic church of Santo Stefano with the characteristic square with watershed, the tall bell tower, which at 200 meters above sea level monitors and dominates the landscape and where the eye goes on a good part of the Kvarner Bay, these are the most typical symbols of the ancient castle of the citadel of Dobrinj mentenuto that to this day many details: the stone houses with narrow streets paved transpire on which the peace and quiet of a time that seems to have remained intact.

The tourist offer is based on the traditional cuisine for decades already popular with groups and individual guests. All the town of Dobrinj will win you over with its image and its position represents a real discovery for visitors, especially the majestic views that can be enjoyed from the top. This tiny village can be considered as the soul of these spaces; here, more than admire it relives its past.



In the town of Dobrinj, Silo is the largest town which boasts the longest established tradition of tourism. It is about twenty miles from the bridge of Krk. It is in front of the Crikvenica Riviera, only divided from it by the channel Vinidol.

The real wealth of the silo are numerous and intact valleys with rocky beaches, in particular the well-known sandy beach with crystal clear blue sea is ideal for bathing children. In the immediate vicinity of Silo lying on the seabed in the “Peltastis”, a ship that has become one of the most interesting attractions of the coast for divers.

Silo has a long tradition of fishing and held many traditional festivals and various competitions and sports events, it becomes a real attraction for the guests.

Silo is located above the ancient and picturesque village of Polje which has maintained next to modern buildings, the architecture and the traditional native way of life that attracts more and more visitors today.



This is a small, quiet and romantic small village ornamented by the small church of S. Clement of the sixteenth itself. From which it takes its name. Has good moorings in the marina and boat places on land and a campsite.

In particular, it is known for the altarpiece in relief, protected as a national monument.



It is located south west of the island, 15km from the bridge of Krk is situated in the center of the area Dubasnica, whose name comes from the dense and lush oak forests that cover it. And ‘one of the major centers of island tourism, characterized by numerous beaches and excellent hotels. Visitors to Malinska, enchanted by its beauty, often called “the pearl of the Kvarner islands.”‘s Meteorological characteristics of this region are: low rainfall, around 260 days of sunshine a year and mild climate, while the earth is protected from cold winds its geographical position.

Among other events, you will enjoy the many entertainment content culture, sports and entertainment of traditional and modern themes. Lovers of “nightlife” will find fun in discos and night bars.



Once a small fishing village, Njivice today is a tourist destination well known, that attracts visitors with its mild climate, clear sea, the beauty of its beaches and lush vegetation. It is located 10km south of the bridge, in the well-protected bay of Beli kamik.




The town of Omisalj routes Rising on a hill 2 km from the Krk Bridge and in the immediate surroundings of Rijeka. It is one of the oldest settlements on the island, important cultural center of Glagolitic and whose origins date back to prehistoric times. This town is built on Vela stena, 85metri rises above sea level and dominates almost three miles along the creek Omisalj. Its streets hide medieval buildings and Roman, as well as houses in typical Mediterranean style. From the city center you can admire the magnificent view of the bay of Kvarner and Omisalj, indulge in culinary pleasures in traditional restaurants, enjoy a coffee at the old market, or chat with the friendly locals, who will show you how much they love their city .

The most famous beach is Omisalj Pesja, perfect for a family holiday. With a layout that meets European standards, its services and the purity of the sea, the beach Pesja was awarded the blue flag.


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